Tuesday August 28, 2012 at 11:30am

For SOLIDWORKS Premium customers in particular, the SOLIDWORKS Content area contains a vast amount of downloadable content to compliment the Routing and CircuitWorks add ins. From the right hand side of the screen, access the Design Library. In here you will see the SOLIDWORKS Content link (internet connection is required). Within this category SOLIDWORKS has made a number of extra files available to download.
In the Blocks area you can download pre-made Electrical and Hydraulic symbols to assist with general schematic layouts in 2D. Blocks are a collection of sketch entities grouped together and they can be dragged and dropped into parts, assemblies and drawings.
CircuitWorks, our ECAD translation tool, has a downloadable library of fixtures and fittings.
Routing has a variety of downloadable standard parts to be used to create pipe, tubing and electrical harnesses.
Weldments have a number of additional standard profile sketches to be used within the welded structures aspect of part modelling. SOLIDWORKS supplies approximately 30 profiles with the standard installation, but you will uncover thousands more with the downloadable content.
Adam Hartles
Training Manager