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Using the Knowledge Base

Tuesday October 22, 2013 at 4:34pm
I have just fixed a long-standing problem for a customer using the Knowledge Base. The customer was not aware that he could have fixed the problem himself - if he just searched it via his Customer Portal.
The Knowledge Base is a fabulous resource with tens of thousands of articles on everything from A - Z in SOLIDWORKS. We use it all the time on Tech Support, but there is no reason why customers on subscription shouldn't search yourself - in fact it is one of the main reasons to be on a subscription contract.
The particular issue for this customer was that opening SOLIDWORKS documents across his network was taking ridiculously long times - many minutes. However, opening locally was almost instantaneous. Tests showed that it was quicker to copy the entire project folder to a local drive than to open a simple part from the server! When saved locally SOLIDWORKS documents opened in a flash. They checked the network speed which was fast. What could be the cause? I had no idea!
Here's where the Knowldege Base came in! I did a quick check search on 'Symantec' to see if his AV was causing an issue and up came the answer. It turns out that Symantec is suspicious of documents with more than 6 digits in the file extension. Consequently Symantec was scrutinising every SOLIDWORKS document which was taking all the time.
Symantec provide a solution to this problem that you can access from ...
While this was a useful solution, the main point here is that the Knowledge Base is a great resource and is available 24/7/365. Try it if you have not used it already.
Andy Fulcher
Technical Manager
Solid Solutions Management Ltd

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