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Advanced Angle Dimensions

Friday June 12, 2015 at 11:24am
When sketching, on occasion you may want to add an angle dimension and use a horizontal or vertical sketch line to reference from, but what do you do if none are nearby? In SolidWorks 2015 you now have the ability to dimension between a line and an imaginary horizontal or vertical line.

When sketching, on occasion you may want to add an angle dimension and use a horizontal or vertical sketch line to reference from, but what do you do if none are nearby? In SOLIDWORKS 2015 you now have the ability to dimension between a line and an imaginary horizontal or vertical line.  Simply Ctrl select a line and one of its endpoints and a reference crosshair appears, giving you the option to select the vertical or horizontal. See images below.





By Jon Weston-Stanley

View the Video here

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 Solid Solutions | Trimech Group
