SOLIDWORKS Certifications are viewed as the benchmark in measuring a users knowledge and competency in being able to use SOLIDWORKS under pressure. Within Education the CSWA (Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate) examination has been viewed as the standard for sometime for that particular sector. However with the University marketplace flourishing with Students each year, the Undergraduates of today need to do all they can to stand out in a competitive and challenging job market.
For the Students at Aston University's Engineering & Applied Science School (where over 70% of Students take placement programs), Solid Solutions were able to add value to their use of SOLIDWORKS through offering a Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional (CSWP) Accreditation program. This consisted of 4 days training at the University for Students/Staff and proved extremely popular by those who signed up to participate in the program that two sessions were run.
On Friday 17th April, the two groups participated in the CSWP Examination day where they were put under timed pressure, testing their individual abilities in designing and analysing parametric parts and moveable assemblies, using a variety of complex features within SOLIDWORKS.
From the Exam session we are now pleased to welcome 18+ Users into the SOLIDWORKS Certification Centre Community for both CSWA and CSWP modules.
This is a level of competency we expect all our Technical Staff to hold, which is why each year our new group of Interns go through a strong training program supplemented with new/clean material from our My.SolidSolutions Webcast Wednesday series in order to develop their knowledge. Subsequently, they go back in to their final year and leave their respected Universities with 1st Class Honours degrees.
Over the years we have established good relationships with Aston, Nottingham Trent and Leeds Universities. For any Company looking at hiring Interns, this is now certainly a qualification when reviewing applications.
Simon Beamish, Adam Humphries & Benji Wilson