Date Posted: Thursday 1 August 2013
CAD Operator / Engineering vacancy.
EPS UK is seeking to recruit a competent skilled CAD operator. The role includes Medium Voltage switchgear and associated product design using a variety of CAD tools including SolidWorks. Knowledge of Simulation and FEA techniques is a great advantage. In-house 3D printing and “screen to machine” capabilities mean you will be working in a fast moving well equipped environment on high profile UK and overseas projects.
The role offers a great opportunity to contribute to a small team in a fast growing business and be rewarded for excellent performance.
Register your interest by sending a brief resume and CV to
Your Experience / Skills
Working knowledge of document management processes, preparation of 3D models and assemblies supported by engineering 2D drawings for fabricated and machined components is a must An ability to work in a team and contribute with regular customer faced project review meetings is also required.
An Appropriate mechanical / Electrical engineering degree or HND with 5 years minimum relevant experience will be an advantage.
Salary Range:
£18k - £24k
Electrical Power Distribution Products
Placement Type:
If you are interested in applying for this job or would like to find out more, please send CV along with introductory email identifying this position to the contact details below:

Brian Mckean

01509 278607